Protect Black Mothers T-shirt

Protect Black Mothers T-shirt


Limited stock. No more being printed. 

Art by @alexispolitz

Printing by @eaglescreenprint

Support via @dandthesong πŸ™πŸΎ

My loves.

I have been in deep isolation, meditation and contemplation. Trying to process how to express so many things at once while staying safe and grounded in my body. I re-emerge briefly, still on fire with rage, and dripping in my pleasure, And crying in my grief, and looking at my mistakes....The ways I fuck up all the time. But I do re-emerge... with shirts πŸ–€

The amount of excuses I’ve heard from lovers, so-called community leaders, and really the collective around why they aren’t prioritizing the safety of bodies of color make me feel sick to my stomach.

I am uninterested in hearing any more. And I am demanding that you do better.

I added purslane, one of my favorite plant friends, that you see everywhere in our city. (I have it even tattooed on my thigh πŸŒ™)

Family: Portulacaceae: purslane family

Other Names: little hogweed, moss rose, little pigweed, pursley, pressley, red root, verdolaga

Healing Properties: cools fever and inflammation, stimulates circulation and regulates heart function, strengthens immune system

Symbolic Meaning: marriage, bonding of opposites (language of flowers)

Planetary Affiliation: moon, Mercury

I love how it creeps up in between the cracks and thrives during hard times. I think of it as the mother. As I struggle every day, needing more support, to show up better for the future that I birthed. Yet... I’m here still until I’m not πŸ–€

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